Stained Glass Window

As I look out my stained glass window,
    I see a man who walks alone.

His eyes do not wander but straight ahead.
    deaf to the world is this gentleman.

We know what's wrong...don't we?

As I look out my stained glass window,
    pretty ladies walk slowly by.

White is the color of their hapless faces,
    no handsome man can move their eyes.

We know what's wrong, don't we?

As I look out my stained glass window,
    little children what sorry souls.

Cause they no longer laugh and shout,
    nor smile and romp about.

We know what's wrong...don't we?

As I look out my stained glass window,
    I see a baby who cries so loud.

Too young to understand.
    No bottle to comfort.

We know what's wrong...don't we?

As I look out my stained glass window,
    We see a dove for from the sky.

Is that why the people are frightened?
    Is it too late to reason why?